Top Posts From AJBlogs 09.16.15

How the old ways faded
In my last post I said that I’m now not happy talking about the decline of classical music. That post was a striking anecdotal report about falling ticket sales at European music festivals, which … read more
AJBlog: Sandow Published 2015-09-16

Flash: The Detroit Institute of Arts Names New Director
They have replaced Graham Beal as director of the Detroit Institute of Arts, and it’s an inside job. Salvador Salort-Pons, the current curator of European paintings a the DIA, plus–since 2013–director of collection strategies and information, … read more
AJBlog: Real Clear Arts Published 2015-09-16

$600-Million Endowment?!? My Q&A with Salort-Pons, Detroit Institute’s New Head—Part I
In an appointment reminiscent of the Art Institute of Chicago’s elevation to its directorship of Douglas Druick  and the Metropolitan Museum’s appointment of Tom Campbell to its top spot, the Detroit Institute of Arts today … read more
AJBlog: CultureGrrl Published 2015-09-16

I’m off to Ann Arbor this weekend to work with violinist Danielle Belén for a recording session. Danielle is one of the newest faculty members in the School of Music at the University of Michigan … read more
AJBlog: Infinite Curves Published 2015-09-16
