Top Posts From AJBlogs 09.23.15

Changing the curriculum
Time now to talk about the curriculum at conservatories, about what classical musicians should learn in their professional education. As I said in an earlier post, this was something I was eagerly asked to speak about at … read more
AJBlog: Sandow Published 2015-09-22

Rorschach Test
We’re all artists now Quick. What’s your reaction to that sentence? This was the title of a September 2015 New York Times article that considered expanded definitions of and options for creativity and the increasingly … read more
AJBlog: Engaging Matters Published 2015-09-22

So Long, Summertime
This is the last day of summer. It would be wrong to let the season get away without a proper sendoff. There are, of course, countless recorded versions of the George Gershwin song from Porgy and Bessread more
AJBlog: RiffTides Published 2015-09-22

Snapshot: Burt Lancaster and Kirk Douglas sing a duet at the 1958 Oscars
Burt Lancaster and Kirk Douglas sing “It’s Great Not to Be Nominated” at the 1958 Academy Awards ceremony. (The song was written for them by Sammy Cahn and Jimmy Van Heusen.) Neither man had been … read more
AJBlog: About Last Night Published 2015-09-23
