Top Posts From AJBlogs 10.07.15

Inside Out vs. Outside In
There are two schools of thought when it comes to eating a cinnamon roll. … These differing styles are a fair comparison to how organizations approach arts marketing. …read more
AJBlog: Engaging Matters Published 2015-10-06

Identifying Skills
Trying to determine what your strengths and weakness are as you assess the next step or new step in your career? When making a change to this degree, we can often take for granted our most powerful skills. … read more
AJBlog: Field Notes Published 2015-10-07

Finding Your Career Strategy
Matthew May urges us to consider a new definition of career planning. In fact, he tells us to throw away the word “planning” all together. … read more
AJBlog: Field Notes Published 2015-10-07

Fastest Route from Point A to Point B, Not Always a Straight Line
Ok. Let’s say you’ve done some soul searching, consulted your family and your most trusted advisors. You can now safely say that you know: ① where you are and ② where you want to be. Now what? … read more
AJBlog: Field Notes Published 2015-10-07

ISIS Crisis: AAMD’s Risky “Safe Haven” Initiative for Endangered Archaeological Material
Understandably distressed by the inability of the international cultural community to prevent the continued decimation of world heritage by ISIS, members of Association of Art Museum Directors could be putting their own institutions at risk by implementing … read more
AJBlog: CultureGrrl Published 2015-10-07

What Happened
If you find yourself in the middle of Virginia this Saturday night, check out the Garth Newel Piano Quartet concert: they are playing a piece of mine from 2004 called What Happened.  … read more
AJBlog: Infinite Curves Published 2015-10-07
