Top Posts From AJBlogs 10.20.15

It’s About Defining Your Values
I think that defining your values is far more important than defining your career path. Careers change, values do not. Know the impact that you want to have in the world … read more
AJBlog: Field Notes Published 2015-10-20

Kill Your Darlings!
“Kill your darlings!” we were told by William Faulkner, a sentiment we take to heart in our writing and our creative practice. Authors must often rid themselves of their most labored over, most precious passages, for the greater good of the literary work. Unfortunately career planning and career paths ask you to “Kill your darlings” as well, … read more
AJBlog: Field Notes Published 2015-10-20

Get A Mentor
I got my first CEO job at a nonprofit because the woman who hired me as her second in command told me she would invest in my development and ensure that I was prepared to take over when she retired … read more
AJBlog: Field Notes Published 2015-10-20

Measure Revenue Differently. Cultivate Loyalty Collaboratively
Arts Journal blogger Doug Borwick recently wrote a post on the role of marketing and development departments that captured my attention. In the following quote he summarizes an issue that I’ve been thinking about for a long time: … read more
AJBlog: Engaging Matters Published 2015-10-20

A Don Friedman Day
Today was chock-full of interviewing, transcribing, researching and, in general, preparing to write liner notes for a new Don Friedman trio album. The research included diving into books, rummaging through the web for additional information … read more
AJBlog: RiffTides Published 2015-10-20

Lookback: must critics be “right”?
From 2005: Of course it’s desirable to be right, and I don’t see how it’s possible to take seriously a critic who’s wrong about most things. Nevertheless, I’m uneasy with the notion that “getting things right” is the ultimate test of a critic’s worth … read more
AJBlog: About Last Night Published 2015-10-20
