Top Posts From AJBlogs 10.21.15

How they made their money
And now my final post about changing the conservatory curriculum. In the post I did last, I talked about music history, or rather classical music history. And how … even when we teach classical history we leave a lot out. Namely, the real stuff of music in the past. How it lived, how it functioned, how listened, how they listened. And – very important – how musicians, including the great composers, made their living. … read more
AJBlog: Sandow Published 2015-10-21

The Immorality of a Broken Business Model
I no longer eat beef.  It was a decision inspired by listening to Meat Week on NPR’s Morning Edition in the summer of 2012. … So what does this have to do with growing audiences for arts & culture? … read more
AJBlog: Audience Wanted Published 2015-10-21

Art serves many purposes. I want to write about two today: life-enhancement and identity. I’m not going to define life-enhancement. We all have an idea of what that can mean, for ourselves and for others … read more
AJBlog: Infinite Curves Published 2015-10-21

70 Years of History Brought to Life
José Limón was choreographing right up to the end of his life. His last dances, Orfeo and Carlota, premiered in 1972, the year of his death at 64. … read more
AJBlog: Dancebeat Published 2015-10-21

Why is it important to have a career plan?
Our paradigms dramatically affect our judgment and our decision making by influencing our perceptions. Paradigms are sets of rules and regulations that do two things: 1.) They establish boundaries 2.) They provide rules for success … read more
AJBlog: Field Notes Published 2015-10-21

Clarity & Observation
Developing a career plan was natural for me, as I was fortunate to discover what I wanted to do at a very early age. Initially, I figured out the general steps … read more
AJBlog: Field Notes Published 2015-10-21

Picture this:
You’re interviewing for your dream job at a great company and you know you’d be perfect. You’ve practiced in the mirror, are wearing your lucky blazer, you have your nerves under control and  … read more
AJBlog: Field Notes Published 2015-10-21
