Top Posts From AJBlogs 11.03.15

What is Audience Engagement? (Part 1)
It’s commonplace to talk about the need for “audience engagement” – but what does the term actually mean? And how does an arts/cultural organization know if its succeeding? Perhaps it’s an intentionally amorphous concept … read more
AJBlog: Audience Wanted Published 2015-11-03

American Music — An Alternative Narrative
The Standard Narrative for American concert music starts with Aaron Copland after World War I. It presumes that Copland and others of his generation were the first to create an “American style” based on American songs, American rhythms, American energies. … I propose that in fact there are multiple American musical narratives, none of which takes precedence over the others. I call these “musical streams, all of which achieved substantial results and none of which reached fruition.” … read more
AJBlog: Unanswered Question Published 2015-11-03

Dancing with Bach
Anne Teresa De Keersmaeker’s Brussels-based company, Rosas, last performed in New York in 2013, when the Brooklyn Academy of Music presented … read more
AJBlog: Dancebeat Published 2015-11-03

Frishberg Retromania
Bassist and author Bill Crow sent a note: Following some of your links, I ran across Dave Frishberg’s article on the Half Note, and saw a comment after it by someone looking for … read more
AJBlog: RiffTides Published 2015-11-03

Auction High-Wire Act Without a Net: Sotheby’s Daredevil Taubman Guarantee
This is a watershed moment for Sotheby’s and its new CEO, Tad Smith. When I heard the astonishing news in September that Sotheby’s had provided the Taubman Collection‘s consignors with a guarantee of approximately $500 million for some 500 works, … read more
AJBlog: CultureGrrl Published 2015-11-03

Compatible Quotes: The Piano
“What has to happen is that you develop a comprehensive technique and then say, forget that. I’m just going to be expressive through the piano.” — Bill Evans … read more
AJBlog: RiffTides Published 2015-11-02
