Top Posts From AJBlogs For 01.13.16

Happy Birthday, and What That Means

One hundred years ago, the last emperor of China abdicated; the Saturday Evening Post published its first Norman Rockwell cover; war raged in Europe and the Near East; Gregory Peck was born; and the Cleveland… … read more
AJBlog: Real Clear ArtsPublished 2016-01-03
Technically Definable, Therefore Existent
Having been unexpectedly drawn into writing here about grid-pulse postminimalism, I’ve decided to publish my most important article on the topic here, because the book it’s in is prohibitively expensive, and I need people to… … read more
AJBlog: PostClassicPublished 2016-01-03
Ben Hecht on the Real Margaret Anderson
Margaret AndersonI’ve been re-reading Ben Hecht’s massive 1954 memoir, A Child of the Century, which Gary Giddins rightly calls “his masterpiece.” I think of it as Bennie’s wised-up wisdom book. It reads for delicious stretches… … read more
AJBlog: Straight|UpPublished 2016-01-03
Weekend Extra: JATP Living History
Bill Kirchner sent a link to a photograph published by Joe Gromelski in the current issue of Stars and Stripes, the US military newspaper. Frankfurt, West Germany, March, 1956: The stars of the “Jazz at… … read more
AJBlog: RiffTidesPublished 2016-01-02
Progress for Women at Vienna Philharmonic
For the first time in three years, William Osborne, an expert on the sociology of German-speaking orchestras, has posted an update about the latest developments at the VPo. “It’s the most positive I’ve ever written,”… … read more
AJBlog: Straight|UpPublished 2015-12-31
The Perennial Fiction of Nature
I found something I liked yesterday in an interview with Robert Wilson: He eschews “the lie” of naturalism on stage and sees artificiality as “more honest”. Hence he was a perfect fit with Lady Gaga,… … read more
AJBlog: PostClassicPublished 2015-12-31