Top Posts From AJBlogs 01.04.16

Is Earning Making Money The New Audience-Building Strategy?
Maybe it’s obvious, but in the for-profit world, making money is the point; profit defines success. In the non-profit world, the relationship between profit and success is more complicated. “Profit” (or balancing the books) is… … read more
AJBlog: diacritical Published 2016-01-04

New Year’s “Resolutions,” Cosby Edition: What Artworld Uncertainties Should Be Resolved in 2016?
Last year left the artworld on edge, with several dramatic, unresolved cliffhangers. Here’s hoping that some of the thorny issues that vexed us in 2015 achieve satisfying resolution in the year ahead. … read more
AJBlog: CultureGrrl Published 2016-01-04

Monday Recommendation: Susie Arioli
Susie Arioli, Spring (Spectra Musique). A longtime favorite in Canada, Susie Arioli’s fame could spread abroad on the strength of her singing in this collection. Indeed, strength is a fair description of her work, … read more
AJBlog: RiffTides Published 2016-01-04

Joey Alexander: Genius?
Mozart is the archetype of the child musical genius. Over the centuries, many successors have been proclaimed. In the long run, few have qualified. The current child-genius nominee is Joey Alexander, a pianist from Bali. … read more
AJBlog: RiffTides Published 2016-01-04
