Top Posts From AJBlogs 03.08.16

Complex Problem? Fail your way to a solution.
Like Ed Catmull of Pixar states, failure is necessary to producing successful creative work. If only because the first idea is not always the best idea. It requires reworking, shapeshifting. … read more
AJBlog: Field Notes Published 2016-03-08

Setting Intention
One great lesson we learn when we mess up is how to set intention.” … read more
AJBlog: Field Notes Published 2016-03-08

It’s a Shark
Have you heard the saying “a few sharks can ruin the sea”? Probably not. It’s not an actual saying. Perhaps it should be. Have you ever wanted to take a chance … read more
AJBlog: Field Notes Published 2016-03-08

Boulez haunts the Philharmonic – from his noisy youth
Pierre Boulez has been haunting the New York Philharmonic mercilessly. On Monday night at the fashionable Williamsburg, Brooklyn venue known as National Sawdust, the recently deceased composer was heard alongside … read more
AJBlog: Condemned to Music Published 2016-03-08

“We All Paint in Delacroix’s Language”
Paul Cezanne said that. He also said that Delacroix’s palette was “the most beautiful” in France. … read more
AJBlog: Real Clear Arts Published 2016-03-08

Mad Met: More on the Met Breuer’s Misfire on Madison
While the Met Breuer’s inaugural show, Unfinished: Thoughts Left Visible, may prove to be a popular success, given the interest in the Metropolitan Museum’s new Madison Avenue initiatives, it got mostly tepid to negative verdicts … read more
AJBlog: CultureGrrl Published 2016-03-08

Dancing in Places
Eiko performing in Precarious II: Guest Solos in PLATFORM 2016: A Body in Places at St. Mark’s Church. … read more
AJBlog: Dancebeat Published 2016-03-08

Midweek Special: Farmer, Hall Swallow, Perkins — Just Because
Art Farmer, flugehorn; Jim Hall, guitar; Steve Swallow, bass; and Walter Perkins, drums, play Sergio Mihanovich’s “Sometime Ago,” on Ralph J. Gleason’s public television series Jazz Casual, ca. 1963. … read more
AJBlog: RiffTides Published 2016-03-08
