Top Posts From AJBlogs 05.02.16

Five Notable Stories From Last Week’s ArtsJournal: Alternative Reality Edition
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AJBlog: diacritical/Douglas McLennan Published 2016-05-02

This Week In Audience 05.01.16
What are the boundaries in artist/audience relationships these days? Do you have a problem with inclusiveness if you can’t define what it is? … read more
AJBlog: AJ Arts Audience Published 2016-05-02

Bedford in Baltimore: Christopher is Third Contemporary Expert Recently Tapped to Lead a Major Art Museum
Are we seeing a trend here? Anne Pasternak at the Brooklyn Museum; James Rondeau at the Art Institute of Chicago; now Christopher Bedford at the Baltimore Museum of Art. In all three recent cases, … read more
AJBlog: CultureGrrl Published 2016-05-02

McNeill & Burroughs: Art Meets Occult
Hieronymous Bosch had nothing on Malcolm McNeill. And that’s not even counting the underlying theories McNeill has about time travel, biological mutation, and evolutionary transition … read more
AJBlog: Straight|Up Published 2016-05-02
