Top Posts From AJBlogs For 06.12.16

Let’s Change to The Positive At the Met–Something “Divine”
Flash back to 1984, and to this excerpt from an article–no, a brief, really, which in itself says something–in The New York Times: Also of interest this week: ”The Flame and the Lotus: Indian and…read more
AJBlog: Real Clear ArtsPublished 2016-06-12


Sunday With Adams And Shorter
This morning’s cycling expedition took me across a freeway overpass whose height allowed a perfect view of Mount Adams sixty miles to the southwest. When I decided to share it with you, I wondered what… … read more
AJBlog: RiffTidesPublished 2016-06-12


Once Upon a Time. . .
American Ballet Theater mounts Alexei Ratmansky’s The Golden Cockerel. It occasionally happens that a ballet from another era comes to us tangled in its own history, even as it tries to make sense of… … read more
AJBlog: DancebeatPublished 2016-06-11

