Top Posts From AJBlogs 06.13.16

South Africa’s Citizen Artists: Malcolm Purkey and Johannesburg, from Soweto to Hillbrow
This is the fourth and final essay in a series of “We the Audience” posts designed to introduce my readers to the citizen artists working in some of South Africa’s most challenged areas. … read more
AJBlog: We The Audience Published 2016-06-13

A lesson from Hamilton
So on Friday I zipped down from DC to Baltimore to attend the League of American Orchestras conference. Whose theme this year was diversity, aka “The Richness of Difference.” … But one thing I’m sure of. Symphony orchestras — or just about any major classical music institution — can’t match the diversity impact of Hamilton ..., [impact] which, with all respect, the League can only dream about.  …read more
AJBlog: Sandow Published 2016-06-13

Correspondence: When Miles Sat In With Mel
Saxophonist Bill Kirchner writes: For several years In the 1980s I used to sub on occasion in the saxophone section of drummer Mel Lewis’s Jazz Orchestra – originally the Thad Jones-Mel Lewis Orchestra. … read more
AJBlog: RiffTides Published 2016-06-13

Propwatch: the sock in Phaedra(s)
British audiences are no longer scared of European theatre. It has taken us years – decades – to feel relaxed about non-representational stagings, actors stripped of plummy tones, the fourth wall not only breached but blown to smithereens. … read more
AJBlog: Performance Monkey Published 2016-06-13
