Top Posts From AJBlogs 06.20.16

Noticing before knowing
My favorite books about writing are really books about thinking, and crafting those thoughts into powerful, public form. So, whenever I’m in a thinking thicket … read more
AJBlog: The Artful Manager Published 2016-06-20

Monday Recommendation: Chris Ziemba
Chris Ziemba, Manhattan Lullaby (Outside in Music). His abilities honed by studies at the Eastman School of Music and Juilliard, 29-year-old pianist Chris Ziemba is in demand on the New York scene. His debut recording … read more
AJBlog: RiffTides Published 2016-06-20

The adventure of the bungled capper
Ivy Compton-Burnett admitted in old age that she could no longer read the novels of Jane Austen, which she loved, because she knew them so well that they could no longer hold her attention. Much the same thing happened to me with … read more
AJBlog: About Last Night Published 2016-06-20

Broken Link: Sree Sreenivasan, Metropolitan Museum’s Chief Digital Officer, to Depart
This bombshell (in the form of an internal memo) has just been dropped by Thomas Campbell and Daniel Weiss, director and president, respectively, of the Metropolitan Museum. … read more
AJBlog: CultureGrrl Published 2016-06-17

Jam Sessions
Jam sessions are not exclusive to jazz. They happen in virtually every genre of music — folk, bluegrass, rock, Indian, Afro-Cuban, freestyle rap, sometimes even among highly trained and disciplined classical musicians, when they think they won’t … read more
AJBlog: RiffTides Published 2016-06-17

Anywhere but here
We take the world with us when we go to the theatre. Our private swirls of panic and joy. Whatever public pains have been doled out. I came to Shoreditch Town Hall to see YOUARENOWHERE just a short while after hearing that MP Jo Cox had been murdered. … read more
AJBlog: Performance Monkey Published 2016-06-17

Weekend Extra: Roland Kirk
I once wrote about the Roland Kirk of the days — ”long before he added ‘Rahsaan’ to his name, before he became famous, when he was a tornado roaring out of the Midwest, totally blind and full of insight, playing three saxophones at once, … read more
AJBlog: RiffTides Published 2016-06-18

Painters’ Paintings: Who Owned What When
You never know what might spark the idea for an exhibition, and at the National Gallery in London it was a 2011 gift left to the U.K. by Lucian Freud. He bequeathed a work called Italian Woman by Corot, which he had purchased 10 years earlier … read more
AJBlog: Real Clear Arts Published 2016-06-17
