Top Posts For AJBlogs From 07.31.16

This Week In Audience, When Fans Feel They Own The Art Edition
This Week: Are artists now a weapon for developers?… When fans as creators believe they own the artists’ work… It’s getting tougher to figure out which music is popular… Bots increasingly compete with audiences for … read more
AJBlog: AJ Arts AudiencePublished 2016-07-31

East-West Mash-Up, Hokusai Meets Wright
Not many people know that Richard Wright, renowned for his 1940 novelNative Son, and his 1946 autobiographyBlack Boy, wrote thousands of haikus — about four thousand actually — all of them in France, … read more
AJBlog: Straight|UpPublished 2016-07-31

Dancing Alone and Together
Wendy Whelan, Brian Brooks, and Brooklyn Rider at Jacob’s Pillow, July 7-31   Brian Brooks and Wendy Whelan in Brooks’s Some of a Thousand Words. Photo: Hayim Heron “Adventuress” isn’t a word I’d use to … read more
AJBlog: DancebeatPublished 2016-07-30


August: Medium Finds Message
Tom Hull has a dense roundup of political thought surrounding the Republican hatefest, and continues to update with think pieces and canon fodder. Also, maintains an ongoing annual list. Light-bulb joke springs to life Iggy Jackson-Cohen … read more
AJBlog: blog rileyPublished 2016-07-30


Community of place
(CC) Tim Lumley via Flickr When I think about what community means to me, I return to the definition set forth by the organization Alternate ROOTS. ROOTS defines community as communities of place, tradition, and … read more
AJBlog: Field NotesPublished 2016-07-29


Deferring to Digerati: What Didn’t I Get About SFMOMA’s App?
Although I was expecting some pushback when I published my Wall Street Journal review of the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art’s technological transformation, I’ve been taken aback at how my Twitter “Notifications” feed has been … read more
AJBlog: CultureGrrlPublished 2016-07-29
