Top Posts From AJBlogs 06.19.17

On “looky-loos” and the institutions who are desperate for them and desperate for them to behave
Reading [Dave] Hickey’s memoir this past week I was suddenly struck by the way arts organizations have set themselves up for this very situation.. … read more
AJBlog: Jumper Published 2017-06-19

Disinterest, distance, and the artist-manager
One of the core actions of aesthetic/artistic attention is to step back. To make a little space between yourself and the object of your attention, so you can see it as it is, rather than see it as you are. … read more
AJBlog: The Artful Manager Published 2017-06-19

Too Much Contemporary? Too Little What Came Before?
That is a prospect we–American consumers of art exhibitions–face, and it is that subject and its consequences for our culture … read more
AJBlog: Real Clear Arts Published 2017-06-19

Audiencing: Joining the Resistance at Donmar Warehouse?
Last week in London I was able to see the much discussed Donmar Warehouse production of … The Resistible Rise of Arturo Ui. It’s not hard to see why Brecht’s satirical account of the rise of a clownish American dictator would find its moment now, … read more
AJBlog: We The Audience Published 2017-06-19

AAMD’s Response to Metropolitan Museum’s Renegade Reorganization: “Guidance to Consider”
In last week’s post, I noted that Met President Daniel Weiss‘ designation as his museum’s CEO, with the yet-to-be-named new director as his subordinate, ran contrary to the professional guidelines of the Association of Art Museum Directors. I also predicted that AAMD’s reaction to the Met’s going rogue would be to ignore it. … read more
AJBlog: CultureGrrl Published 2017-06-19