Top Posts From AJBlogs 10.31.17

From Mileposts to Through Line
Mileposts are those small signs we see (or, usually, ignore) as we speed along the interstate that indicate how far we’ve travelled. It’s only in the rarest instances that anyone pays them any attention. … read more
>AJBlog: Engaging Matters Published 2017-10-31

Deaccession Obsession: AG Enters the Fray; Compendium of My Berkshire Museum Commentary
As I reported Monday on my Twitter feed (while I was traveling and off-blog), the Massachusetts Attorney General has officially entered the fray in the legal battle over the Berkshire Museum’s planned art sales. … read more
AJBlog: CultureGrrl Published 2017-10-31

Artists as Researchers: Equity in Changing Places
In Cincinnati’s Walnut Hills district, …  Walnut Hills Redevelopment Foundation is leading the way on physical and economic changes to the area. The developer’s leadership, including Aprina Johnson, a local artist on the staff, recognized the importance of learning from residents about social impacts too. They developed a plan for an innovative initiative: paying artists to be researchers. … read more
AJBlog: The Bright Ride Published 2017-10-31