Top Posts From AJBlogs 11.15.17

Another classical music critic is sent into the night … and this time it’s me.
Life in the newspaper world these days can’t help but feel like Russian Roulette. With every wave of layoffs, my position has seemed that much closer to its end. And I’m surprised that I lasted as long as I did. … read more
AJBlog: Condemned to Music Published 2017-11-15

Soft power and the arts (2/3)
The British Council and the University of Edinburgh have teamed up to prepare an empirical analysis of the actual effects of soft power (my introduction on soft power and the arts is here). How does … read more
AJBlog: For What it’s Worth Published 2017-11-15

“Ballsy Bidding”: My Storify on Leonardo’s (& Christie’s) $450-Million Jesus Superstar
That surely wasn’t the Getty or any other public (as opposed to single-collector) museum who plunked down a jaw-dropping $450 million after a dramatic 19-minute bidding war, the likes of which I’ve never seen, … read more
AJBlog: CultureGrrl Published 2017-11-15