Top Posts From AJBlogs 03.07.18

Systemically Privileged
People concerned about issues related to the arts and equity (funding is just one area) have used many terms to describe the juggernaut that is the world of symphonies, ballet companies, museums, and theaters. Most of the terminology used is either offensive or absurdly complex (and/or unwieldy) … read more
AJBlog: Engaging Matters Published 2018-03-06

Romancing a High-Low Split: John Haskell’s The Complete Ballet: A Fictional Essay in Five Acts
It’s hard to recall the last time I heard someone say Balanchine’s name aloud. Since his death in 1983, more and more ballet companies around the world have fueled their repertories with his visionary neo-classical … read more
AJBlog: Fresh Pencil Published 2018-03-04

Bible Bumble: Copy Confusion Muddles Museum of the Bible
My belated visit to the three-month-old Museum of the Bible during my recent Washington sojourn began inauspiciously and went downhill from there: … read more
AJBlog: CultureGrrlPublished 2018-03-07

Just Because It’s (Almost) Spring, Spring, Spring
The Coltrane project (two items down) is progressing to the extent that I was able to get out the office for a short bicycle excursion. … read more
AJBlog: RiffTides Published 2018-03-07