Highlights From Today’s AJBlogs 07.18.18

On Community Kate Balug, another Creative Community Fellows alum, writes powerfully about narrow definitions of “community” and how her work seeks to do the opposite by breaching walls to promote inclusiveness. After several years of working as … read more
AJBlog: Field Notes Published 2018-07-18

How To Be a Great Museum Trustee What kind of museum donor hosts a visit in her home with the museum’s director, as she is nearing death, and asks him to read aloud the list of artworks in her final bequest? What … read more
AJBlog: Real Clear Arts Published 2018-07-17

Rethinking Communities Justina Crawford is a Creative Community Fellows alum who works for the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston. Her picture of community is impacted by current events and reflects creating more inclusive environments. After living … read more
AJBlog: Field Notes Published 2018-07-17

Second Thoughts: Two High-Profile Hires Depart Sotheby’s Advisory Service In rapid succession, two ballyhooed recruits to Sotheby’s Fine Art Division (the firm’s art advisory service) have left their posts: —Eric Shiner, whose departure was reported today by Anny Shaw in The Art Newspaper, will … read more
AJBlog: CultureGrrl Published 2018-07-17