Collective Of Black Classical Musicians Takes To Social Media To Detail Issues

“Almost every aspect of classical music, as it is currently, cultivates a toxic and racist culture. That doesn’t mean that every participant in classical music is racist, obviously. The specific aspects that sustain institutional racism are: hero worship; classism and elitism; unbalanced power structures (like the relationship between students and private teachers; the fear-based mentality that your teacher can “make or break you”); access to quality education and opportunities, especially for lower socioeconomic students—classical music is cost prohibitive for many prospective practitioners; respectability politics and classical musician stereotypes that serve to flush out individuality (for example, the flak that Yuja Wang gets for wearing short skirts is endemic of classical music’s respectability politics rooted in the intersections of classical music and Christian worship—the altar, god-figures, etc.); the way classical music history is taught as a sanitized, sexist, queerphobic, whitewashed, and white supremacist version of history; lack of reporting protocols for racism; the way orchestras are funded and governed by “pay-to-play” boards;
“outreach programs” that are missionary-like PR campaigns. We could go on…and it is our page’s work to address all of these issues.” –