Top Posts From AJBlogs 02.02.17

Resilience: The Spirit of 9/12
We remember the fear and uncertainty of 9/11. … But what do we remember of 9/12?  What do we remember of the long and arduous process that commenced the next day – the effort to restore calm, order and clarity?  How long did it take to achieve strategic thinking?… read more
AJBlog: Audience Wanted Published 2017-02-02

Classical music — the definition
My students – in my Juilliard course on classical music’s future – came up with a definition that I think works. … It’s in two parts. … read more
AJBlog: Sandow Published 2017-02-02

More On That Revolutionary Art: Unscrolled
As I mentioned yesterday, the soon-to-open Museum of the American Revolution will hang a copy of Louis Charles-Auguste Couder’s Siege of Yorktown (1781). It hangs in the Hall of the Battles at Versailles. The copy, I’ve now learned, … read more
AJBlog: Real Clear Arts Published 2017-02-01

The Conflation Index
When faced with stress or dramatic change in our environment, we humans have a tendency to conflate things in our thinking — to bundle two or more separate ideas or issues or observations into one. … read more
AJBlog: The Artful Manager Published 2017-02-01