AJBlog Posts From The Weekend Of 03.05.17

Funny or die
What makes a comedy? Perspective. Ask Shakespeare’s Malvolia, Titania, or Andrew Aguecheek if they’re living in a comedy and they’ll gaze at you with tear-stained incredulity. Publicly shamed, sexually humiliated, drugged and tricked into … read more
AJBlog: Performance MonkeyPublished 2017-03-05


SRJO With Carmen Bradford: Ella At 100
In Ella Fitzgerald’s centennial year, the great singer is being honored around the world. The Seattle Repertory Jazz Orchestra began the celebration with a pair of tribute concerts ahead of The First … read more
AJBlog: RiffTidesPublished 2017-03-05


More on Met Directorship: My Takes on Puzzling Punditry by Cotter, Gibson, Dobrzynski, Oliver
I got an early jump on the culture pundits who are rushing to analyze Tom Campbell‘s planned departure from the directorship of the Metropolitan Museum. Commentary is now pouring in from people whose strong opinions … read more
AJBlog: CultureGrrlPublished 2017-03-03

Getting good in the nick of time
In today’s Wall Street Journal I review the Broadway transfer of Joshua Harmon’s Significant Other. Here’s an excerpt. * * * Time was when all gay plays were Problem Plays. They couldn’t very well have … read more
AJBlog: About Last NightPublished 2017-03-03


Replay: John Gielgud on Claude Rains
John Gielgud talks about the acting of Claude Rains in a TCM tribute: (This is the latest in a series of arts-related videos that appear in this space each Monday, Wednesday, and Friday) … read more
AJBlog: About Last NightPublished 2017-03-03