Top AJBlogs Posts From The Weekend Of 03.19.17

Poetry of the Absurd
This is a tape cut-up I made with Carl Weissner way back in 1971. We used a recording of Chicago Mayor Richard J. Daley speaking to members of the city council. We “cut” the tape … read more
AJBlog: Straight|UpPublished 2017-03-19


For The Weekend: A Beach Boys Song A La Charles Lloyd
At the Jazz At Porquerolles Festival on the French Riviera in 2011, Charles Lloyd and his remarkable quartet of the period turned their attention to one of Brian Wilson’s songs. Wilson first … read more
AJBlog: RiffTidesPublished 2017-03-17


What Went Wrong
Spineless Democrats and Republican thugs: A 30-minute rap on why we are where we are. Click to listen to … read more
AJBlog: Straight|UpPublished 2017-03-17


The Art of Empathy; or the Neurology of What the World Needs Now
Guinea Baboon Brain by J. Sayuri, part of the “Animal Brains” series. Prints available on Etsy. The way we live our lives is based on memories and stories that we tell each other as partread more
AJBlog: New BeansPublished 2017-03-17