Top Posts From AJBlogs 05.16.17

Can we, should we, brand “The Arts”?
Barry’s Blog has thoughts on this. He points out, correctly I think, that while individual airline companies – Delta, Virgin, Qantas – try to create a brand image of their own, there is also in the public mind an idea of the airline sector as a whole. … read more
AJBlog: For What It’s Worth Published 2017-05-16

Totally, Irresistibly Captivating
Doug Borwick on a concert by Sammy Miller and the Congregation at this year’s Charlotte Jazz Festival: “… what is related to this blog is their combination of high-end artistry and technical skill, musicianship, and knowledge of their discipline with total dedication to winning converts. The band even has a mission statement.” … read more
AJBlog: Engaging Matters Published 2017-05-16

Mistaken At The Getty, And Grateful About It
I was among the skeptics several years ago … [but] I’m glad to say that the Getty Trust’s messy structure, which has often caused problems in the past, particularly between the Trust’s president and the museum’s director, seems to be working well now. … read more
AJBlog: Real Clear Arts Published 2017-05-16

Monday Recommendation: Broadbent And Mancio
Georgia Mancio, Alan Broadbent, Songbook (Roomspin Records)
Pianist and composer Alan Broadbent has found his lyricist. Further good news: in their Songbook, Georgia Mancio sings her words to Broadbent’s songs with taste, feeling and faultless intonation. … read more
AJBlog: RiffTides Published 2017-05-16