Top Posts From AJBlogs For The Weekend Of 07.30.17

Brubeck And Desmond: Can’t You Hear Them Calling?
I am running soon for a plane headed to Sweden. But first: I must tell you about a discovery by blogger, Rifftides reader and tune-detective-first-class Tarik Townsend. Mr. Townsend (pictured) writes that … read more
AJBlog: RiffTidesPublished 2017-07-28

The Jazz & Blues Art Box — instant collection, rare data trove
Two hundred and thirty dvds of concerts and 96 interviews from the International Jazzfestival Bern (Switzerland), 1983 to 2002, 20 yearbooks plus a 344-page large format graphics-rich volume, in a cabinet on wheels standing almost 4 … read more
AJBlog: Jazz Beyond JazzPublished 2017-07-28

Jonathan Lethem and Rock Criticism
SINCE I was a teenager, I’ve been fascinated by the lions of music journalism and rock criticism — Greil Marcus, Robert Christgau, Ellen Willis, and others, especially from the field’s 1970s heyday. The novelist … read more
AJBlog: CultureCrashPublished 2017-07-28

Tackling an inequitable arts funding system: A response to the report, Not Just Money
Helicon Collaborative, with a grant from the Surdna Foundation, has recently published a second report, Not Just Money, examining where US arts philanthropic dollars go. Some may recall that when the first report was published … read more
AJBlog: JumperPublished 2017-07-28