Top Posts From AJBlogs 11.14.17

External Connections
Fundraising, sales, education, and engagement. All are concerned with making connections between an arts organization and individuals (and groups) outside the organization. The first two have long been focused most on people who … read more
AJBlog: Engaging Matters Published 2017-11-14

Strange Interlude: Al Jazeera Interviews Me About the Berkshire Museum (with video)
I was as surprised as you probably are that Al Jazeera, with its focus on international news (particularly as it relates to the Arab world), was interested in talking to me for a segment about … read more
AJBlog: CultureGrrl Published 2017-11-14

Dreams so real
Regular readers of this blog know that Giorgio Morandi is one of the modern artists whose work I love most … and I’ve long dreamed of … read more
AJBlog: About Last Night Published 2017-11-14