Top Posts From AJBlogs 05.01.18

Systemic Privilege Revisited
In Systemically Privileged, I floated an idea. I discussed the difficulty I’ve had over the years in describing the kind of nonprofit arts organization most in need of developing authentic community connections. My suggestion … read more
AJBlog: Engaging Matters Published 2018-05-01

Correcting myself
Sometimes I get things really wrong. As I did in my last post, when I quoted a tweet about Kendrick Lamar winning the Pulitzer Prize … read more
AJBlog: Sandow Published 2018-05-01

“The Great Composer You’ve Never Heard Of” — and how he was suppressed by Carlos Chavez
In many respects, Revueltas bears comparison with George Gershwin: a self-invented composer of genius who mines the vernacular without apology or discomfort. And just as Gershwin was the victim of a “Gershwin threat” that pigeon-holed him as a dilettante interloper, so it was with Revueltas. Gershwin’s influential detractors included Aaron Copland. Revueltas was dismissed as a gifted amateur by his one-time colleague Chavez. … read more
AJBlog: Unanswered Question Published 2018-05-01