Top Posts From AJBlogs 09.15.15

Where did the creative class come from?
Your humble blogger has been absolutely swamped with a cross-country move and writing about pop culture (mostly) for Salon. I hope to never leave CultureCrash fallow for nearly this long.  … read more
AJBlog: CultureCrash Published 2015-09-15

The Broad Broadsided: Critics Take Aim
No good deed goes unpunished. That adage seems sadly apt when it comes to collector/philanthropist Eli Broad, whose eponymous downtown Los Angeles museum, opening Sept. 20, has already sustained potshots from leading art critics, … read more
AJBlog: CultureGrrl Published 2015-09-15

Conover Stamp News & When Paquito Met Willis
The campaign for a US postage stamp to honor the late Voice of America Broadcaster Willis Conover has surmounted a bureaucratic hurdle. Maristella Fuestle of the Conover archive at the University of North Texas reports. … read more
AJBlog: RiffTides Published 2015-09-15
