Top Posts From AJBlogs 12.14.15

Art Spaces as Places for Community Engagement
Over the course of our time together in the National Arts Strategies, Chief Executive Program: Community and Culture, a key point that emerged again and again was the disconnect between arts organizations and the wider, urgent questions being asked across society. … read more
AJBlog: Field Notes Published 2015-12-13

A Q&A on the Beauty Class with Students from the SAIC
Recently, I received an email from a student at the School of the Art Institute of Chicago, preparing for a seminar on Arts Organizations in Society. She asked if I would be willing to Skype into the seminar to answer a few questions about the beauty classread more
AJBlog: Jumper Published 2015-12-14

What To Put On the Wall, Along With the Art
The perennially quotidian but important issue of museum labels has cropped up into several conversations I’ve had lately. That put me, for the most part, in mind of some quotes from an artist, none other than that conceptual artist and sometime prankster John Baldessari. … read more
AJBlog: Real Clear Arts Published 2015-12-13

A New Christmas Classic?
New Christmas songs of quality are rare. Musician, composer, producer and lead sheet maven Don Sickler suggests that he has found one. The song began life with a title that hardly suggested Christmas. … read more
AJBlog: RiffTides Published 2015-12-13

Sotheby’s to Cut Some 80 Positions; Charles Moffett, Its Former Executive VP, Dies
In an amendment filed today to its Nov. 13 8-K filing with the SEC, financially challenged Sotheby’s revealed that its planned staff buyouts will result in a net headcount reduction of about 80 staffers. … read more
AJBlog: CultureGrrl Published 2015-12-14
