Top Posts From AJBlogs For 04.20.16 And 05.01.16

MoMA to Mount Tzara’s Magnum Opus

Samy Rosenstock’s idea for a great big book is getting a great big show nearly 100 years later.Dadaglobe Reconstructed (June 12–September 18, 2016)Dadaglobe Reconstructedreunites over 100 works created for Dadaglobe, Tristan Tzara’s planned but… … read more
AJBlog: Straight|UpPublished 2016-05-01

This Is What May Sounds Like
Take it to the Bridge: From the Boston Phoenix, Graffiti Bridge review, 1990   …read more
AJBlog: blog rileyPublished 2016-04-30

Propwatch: the cake in Kings of War
A good prop isn’t a decoration or a bystander but a player. The cake that dominates the stage picture midway through Ivo van Hove’s Kings of War is never mere set dressing. It’s the… …read more
AJBlog: Performance MonkeyPublished 2016-04-30

Technology: Bad Experience. Jim Levitt: Good Experience
It would accomplish nothing to detail the struggles of the past week and a half that have kept the Rifftides staff occupied. It is enough to report that I spoke with perhaps every technical expert,… … read more
AJBlog: RiffTidesPublished 2016-04-29
