Forbes Names The Top-Earning Dead Celebrities

In a Halloween package with articles such as “Death, Career Move” and “Ghoulish Gold: Celebrity Body Parts Market,” the Capitalist Tool™ gives its list of the top moneymakers in the Great Beyond. Not surprisingly, Elvis Presley tops the list (John Lennon is only seventh); Albert Einstein is no. 4; newcomers to the list include Heath Ledger (no. 3) and Paul Newman (no. 11).

Having Vanquished Religion, Richard Dawkins Turns On To Harry Potter And The Tooth Fairy

The atheist firebrand and author of The God Delusion “will write a book aimed at youngsters where he will discuss whether stories like the successful JK Rowling series have a ‘pernicious’ effect on children… [Dawkins] says he intends to look at the effects of ‘bringing children up to believe in spells and wizards’.”