Former Funeral Parlor Becomes Paris’s New Modern Art Mecca

“The former state funeral parlour at 104 rue d’Aubervilliers in north-east Paris will reopen this weekend after being transformed into the city’s most daring modern arts centre. […] Not only are Parisians attracted by the macabre past of the building – known only by its street number, Centquatre – the centre will also bring artists and tourists into the 19th arrondissement best known for its high-rises, poverty and gang culture.”

Fiona Shaw on Playing Beckett’s Winnie

“The writing reared up and resisted what normally happens when I make friends with a text… Beckett has taken phrases that sound like real speech, yet they disintegrate just as the images form. The effect on the hearer is genius: instead of frustrating the audience, he keeps them on tenterhooks hoping that the launch of the next phrase will make sense of what has gone before.”