London’s New Venue Sounds Terrific (So Far)

“What is immediately obvious about Hall One at Kings Place, however, is that the acoustic is warm, clear and absolutely merciless. Classical music sounds terrific in here, with every note, texture and colour perfectly audible over an extreme dynamic range. Yet the acoustic is also capable of exposing the slightest slip in technique or intonation. And it picks up every bit of extraneous noise.”

Arts Audiences Are Aging – And Always Have Been

“But like any other panic-inducing assumption, the “graying audience” theory bears examining, much as did the widely quoted – and since disproved – ‘fact’ from a 1986 Newsweek article that a single woman over 35 is less likely to get married than to be attacked by terrorists. (Well, at least the poor thing has tickets to the symphony.)”

iTunes Lives!

“Royalties paid to publishers and songwriters for the sale of digital downloads remained unchanged at 9.1 cents per download Thursday. Apple had threatened to pull the iTunes plug if the U.S. Copyright Royalty Board increased the fees paid to publishers and songwriters.”

Entire Staff of Canadian Oxford Dictionary Cut

“The entire staff of the Canadian Oxford Dictionary has been laid off because of declining sales, which the book’s publisher attributes to the proliferation of free online dictionaries … [Oxford University Press] will publish future editions of the [dictionary] with the assistance of freelancers and the lexicography department in Oxford, England.”