A second record-breaking season for London’s Proms sees thousands of new ticket-buyers and 94 percent attendance.
Author: ArtsJournal2
Where’s The Getty In Poussin Purchase? Not There
“In announcing its newest acquisition, Nicolas Poussin’s ‘Sacrament of Ordination (Christ Presenting the Keys to Saint Peter),’ circa 1636-40, Fort Worth’s Kimbell Art Museum said in a press release, ‘The painting is from Poussin’s famous first set of the ‘Seven Sacraments,’ which has been universally acclaimed, virtually since its creation, as a landmark in the history of art.’
And I found myself saying, ‘I wonder why the Getty didn’t buy it?'”
Florida Museum Keeps Painting Stolen By Nazis
“U.S. authorities are working with Italian Ministry of Culture to determine the rightful owners of the work: a 473-year-old oil painting by the Italian Renaissance artist Girolamo Romano entitled ‘Christ Carrying the Cross Dragged by a Rogue.'”
Cliff Robertson, 88, Played JFK in ‘PT-109’
Robertson played JFK in 1962 and won an Oscar for “Charly,” but got blacklisted in Hollywood for years after turning an embezzling Columbia exec.
Talking About 9/11 Art, And How It Shaped Memory And Debate
“As befits an event with a truly traumatic status, 9/11 has proved difficult to approach in an uncontroversial way. No work of ‘9/11 Art,’ in fact, seems complete without some commentary on how it fails or does disservice to the true nature of the tragedy — though, of course, this true nature varies depending on who is doing the commentary.”
Gleaming Vision Ruined: The Symbolic Legacy of 9/11
“It is worth pondering the fact that the potency of the ruins of the World Trade Center Towers lay not simply in their destruction, but in the symbolism reflected in their design.”
The Performing Arts, Fading Away In Australia
The days of high-stakes, energetic theatre collaboration are long gone in Adelaide, asserts the man who just won the Premier’s Lifetime Achievement Award. “People must be given the opportunity to fail in the arts. Samuel Beckett said: `Try again. Fail again. Fail better’. That’s the way theatre gets made.”
Passing The Mantle To Artist David Hockney, If He’ll Take It
“Early in his career, Hockney stated his personal credo as ‘I paint what I like, when I like and where I like.’ If his subsequent success has meant he has hardly needed to do anything else, his whims have generally succeeded in striking a chord with the public.”
Comix + iPad = Win For Everyone (Who Has An iPad, Anyway)
“If you’ve ever tried reading comics on the iPad, you know that it’s an almost-perfect delivery method.” Now that publishers have started offering same-day digital delivery, sales numbers support their new push. Only one thing is still missing.
Never Forget; But How, Exactly, Do We Remember?
Geoff Dyer’s book about WWI memorials, recently printed for the first time in the U.S., can inform how we think about 9/11. “Those who speak about a war in terms of horror and waste during and immediately after the event often find themselves in conflict with those who feel that any criticism is an insult to those who served and died.”