If Trauma’s A Natural Part Of The Human Condition, How Can We Help Each Other?

“I step toward the topic of trauma intermittently; then, I step away. And even as resilient survivors and professionals know that not every survivor of trauma develops prolonged problems, and that not everything we commonly call “stress” is, in fact, trauma, to pretend that natural disasters, mass violence, accidents and other traumatic experiences, such as sexual assault, don’t take a toll on coping is, at least, unkind and – at worst – perilous.”

A Wildly Successful Executive Director Steps Down In Oregon

Things have changed since Paul Nicholson took over as executive director of the Oregon Shakespeare Festival 17 years ago. “Under Nicholson’s tenure, the OSF grew from a pre-professional theater and a place where people could begin their careers to a professional theater where people could have a career and raise families, and once-itinerant actors who stick at OSF now have insurance and retirement plans and earn enough to buy homes.”

Big Databases, Happy Biographers: Technology Changes Discovery

“For generations, biographers have used the same methods to conduct research: they waded through the paper trail left by their subject, piecing together a life from epistolary fragments. Based on what they found, they might troll through newspapers from specific dates in the hope of finding coverage of their subject. There were no new-fangled technologies that promised to transform their research, no way of harnessing machines to reveal new layers of historical truth. That’s all starting to change.”