Best paid author in the world can’t write novels fast enough to please fans — and that’s good news for libraries, bookstores, readers and even other authors.
Author: ArtsJournal2
250,000 App Downloads! But If They’re All Free, What’s The Point?
“Countless music fans are not used to paying for anything online. They do not see it as theft, they see it as free. Now, though, with the rise of the smartphone, there is a way for the industry to fight back, offering bigger, better, and brighter ways of enjoying music through apps.”
UK’s New Visa Rules May Be Strangling Cultural Life
“A points-based visa system, introduced in 2008, was accompanied by tougher immigration criteria for temporary workers, which has resulted in artists, photographers and musicians being deported or refused visas.”
Add One Artist And One Scientist; Stir. What Do You Get?
“In general, art and science seem to eye each other uncomprehendingly. … Can the divide ever be breached?”
The Iron Law Of Vampires, Fairies and Pushcarts — Economies For Kids
“Children’s books provide ripe material because literature deals with everyday life — a terrain shared with economics.”
Raoul Ruiz, 70, Revered French-Chilean Auteur
With a career that spanned more than 100 films and a life that included flight from Chilean dictator Pinochet, Ruiz “left us all inspired, bewildered, and more in love than ever with the possibilities that cinema could create.”
Remember That NYT Piece On The Death Of The Big Idea? It’s Wrong. Way Wrong.
“We should probably, after giving the thing a slow clap for its bold attempt to transform the Death of the Big Idea into a Big Idea of its own, just dismiss it as so much linkbaitery, and then get on with our (ever more trivial, ever more egotistical, ever more tweet-addled) lives. But the essay’s wrong, actually, in an interesting way.”
What’s In A (Kid’s) Bedroom? Pictures Of Young Lives
“Mollison’s diptychs show more than a child’s health and sleeping arrangements. The juxtapositions expose systemic differences among cultures, economies, classes, and lifestyles. At the same time, the photographs remind us of the universality of humanity.”
How Many Actors Of Color In Moscow, Again? Two? That’s Enough For This Play
“It was a great challenge to translate your play,†Ms. Khaikin said, “because the language is so specific to the South, and the expressions that the characters use are so vivid and so true to that dialect. To make it alive in Russian was very hard.â€
Ultralight Books May Kill Off iPads – Or Will They?
“Could it be that all this iPad enthusiasm, all this tablet excitement, is some sort of mass delusion? Or just plain bad group decision making?”