Tainted ‘Tintoretto’: Venice Mayor Mars Kaywin Feldman’s Blockbuster Debut at National Gallery

Having heard Luigi Brugnaro, Mayor of Venice, expound on Tintoretto’s “values” during yesterday’s livestream of the National Gallery of Art’s press preview for the Venetian artist’s first full-scale retrospective in America, I’m convinced that museums need to lay down some content guidelines (especially for non-museum professionals) to discourage pronouncements that are inappropriate for exhibition openings.” – Lee Rosenbaum

Microtonality, Anyone?

Philipp Gerschlauer, David Fiuczunski: MikroJazz! (Rare Noise Records)
This exploratory venture is subtitled, “Neue Expressionistiche Music,” and the music is, indeed, expressionistic. Ears accustomed to conventional tuning may initially find the microtonal approach difficult to absorb. However, after a hearing or two the microtonality begins to move beyond exoticism, and a listener accepts that the Western equal-tempered scale does not have to be accepted as gospel. – Doug Ramsey