Citing the speed with which video games are improving, he suggested that the development of simulations “indistinguishable from reality” was inevitable. The likelihood that we are living in “base reality,” he concluded, was just “one in billions.”
Category: AUDIENCE
Our Digital Life Is Changing Our Sense Of Time (And How We Pay Attention)
“When the smartphone brings messages, alerts, and notifications that invite instant responses—and induces anxiety if those messages fail to arrive—everyone’s sense of time changes, and attention that used to be focused more or less distantly on, say, tomorrow’s mail is concentrated in the present moment.”
There’s A Full-Size Replica Of The Sistine Chapel Touring Mexico
“Rising on the Plaza de la República [in Mexico City], the massive structure marks the first time the Vatican has given permission to reproduce the chapel on this scale … Michelangelo’s paintings are photographic reproductions printed on canvas, their religious scenes composed of over 2.6 million images each about an inch large.”
Seattle Has Spent Millions Upgrading Its Libraries (So Why Are Fewer People Going?)
“Between 2011 and 2014, our booming city gained 50,000 residents. But in that period, total branch visits to the Seattle Public Library (SPL) declined by 150,000, or 2.3 percent — even with a significant increase in branch hours.”
Have Our Book Critics Gone Soft? (What Happens When “Every” Book Is Worth Reading?)
“Nearly all of the more than 100 books graded by Book Marks seem to be worth reading, which renders it somewhat useless as a recommendation resource, which wasn’t lost on many of its early readers. But that’s not how Lit Hub editor-in-chief Jonny Diamond pitches the site anyway.”
This Week In Audience: A Rotten Tomatoes Model? A Netflix Model? Or Maybe A Little Live Streaming Will Do The Trick…
With traditional delivery/distribution for the arts changing, we’re looking at new models: Maybe Rotten Tomatoes or Netflix, anyone? We definitely have to change our ticketing model (and “Hamilton” is trying). A rethink of program notes. And some evidence that making “augmented activity” in movies leads to increased demand for the arts…
Report: Live-Streaming To Movie Theatres Is A Gateway To Live Arts Attendance
“The Live Cinema in the UK Report 2016 defines live cinema as films augmented with additional activity, including soundtracks played live by musicians, site-specific screenings, and interactive singalongs. This is distinct from event cinema – such as live and recorded screenings of theatre and opera – though the two have a comparable economic impact. In 2014, Secret Cinema’s live cinema production of Back to the Future grossed £3.5m, while the National Theatre’s event cinema screenings of War Horse grossed £2.9m.”
Big Changes Coming To Your Traditional TV Services
The backlash from US pay-TV services likely stems from already declining pay-TV revenue in North America. It is expected to fall by US$13.5 billion over the next five years. Removing set-top box rental revenue to pave the way for competitors like Google, Apple and Tivo, will only add to this decline.
Allan Kozinn: What A Spiked Review Says About The State Of Arts Coverage Today
“The sequence of events and their timing, as well as the correspondence, tell us a lot about how criticism is perceived in the current journalistic ecology. It also shows us to whom editors – or at least, one editor – feel beholden, and shockingly, it is not his writer or, by extension, the readers who expect to find reviews of major productions shortly after they open.”
Making ‘Sensory-Friendly’ Theater For Kids On The Autism Spectrum
“Children squealed with glee as a tall man in a green T-shirt took the stage. ‘When you go to the theater, you might usually meet someone who shushes you,’ said Thomas P. Quinn, the Walnut [Street Theater]’s director of education. ‘This is a shush-free zone.'”