“Musical experiences are inherently social, scientists tell us, even when they happen in private. When we listen alone, we feel together.”
Category: AUDIENCE
An Actor Takes On The Nasty Underbelly Of The Online Fan Community
Oh, and her advocacy worked: “BroadwayWorld posted a lengthy response to the concerns expressed, saying that not only had the company made it easier to report abusive comments, but that it had also taken steps to separate chat boards from the rest of its content, had added moderators, and would host a benefit concert to raise awareness about online bullying.”
Binge-Watching Makes Us Depressed, Says (Depressing) Study
“[The study] found that, of 408 participants, 35 percent qualified as binge-watchers, and those binge-watchers reported higher levels of stress, anxiety, and depression than their non-binge-watching counterparts.”
Dancing Is Therapeutic For Older People. Even Better In Front Of An Audience
“Wherever a dance professional’s focus might be in their work with older people, most agree that performing for an audience can have transformative effects, not only for older dancers but also for the audience. The range of emotions that comes with taking part in a performance can make it a significant life event.”
A Link Between Watching “Reality” TV And Narcissism
“Among college students, research finds a substantial link between higher narcissism levels and regular viewing of certain TV genres, including reality series, sports, and political talk shows.”
More Proof That Choral Singing Is Really Good For You
“The synchronistic physical activity of choristers appears to create an unusually strong bond, giving members the emotionally satisfying experience of temporarily ‘disappearing’ into a meaningful, coherent body.”
Actor Stops Play With Four-Letter Counterattack On Heckler
“[The actor] was heard to say: ‘I won’t bother telling you the story because this c*** in the front row has ruined it for everybody.'”
Kennedy Center Appoints Its First Ever Artistic Director Of Hip Hop
“An important aspect of our identity here at the center is the fact that we are a living memorial. You can’t really, as a performing arts center, recognize [Kennedy’s] achievements, but you can extrapolate the ideals that we associate with him and bring these ideals to life through performing arts activities.”
The Video Store Is Not Dead (As Long As It’s Indie)
“All I’ve read, for months and even years, is that the video store is dead, and yet here I am at the counter of Video Free Brooklyn in the middle of a weekday afternoon, and I can’t get a word in edgewise.”
Why Do People Instagram Their Meals? Because It Makes Them Taste Better
“In short: Perhaps the only thing more irritating than the act of public food photography is knowing that those walking their $16 plates of eggs Benedict over to a window could be getting more out of their dining experience than you.”