“These works are considered so important for understanding modern art that they are compared to the importance that Leonardo’s A Treatise on Painting had for Renaissance.”
Category: AUDIENCE
Virtual Reality Ballet Is Here
“The effect of the 360-degree filming is exhilarating, allowing the audience to view the performance as it ebbs and flows on all sides, with dancers so close you can observe the minutiae of their movement with a level of detail that even a front-row seat couldn’t allow.”
Who Tells Their Story – And Who Gets To Study It?
“Even as enthusiasts have called for more ethnic-studies programs—and the debate rages on over making the identities of black, Asian, Native American, and Latino students the centerpiece of class instruction—notably absent was data linking culturally relevant pedagogy specifically to measurable student gains. This changed this year.”
Hamilton Fans Are Creating A New Tourist Industry In New York
“Hamilton is having a moment,” said Anne Petrimoulx, the archivist of Trinity Church. While giving tours, she said,”I used to say, ‘You might recognize him from the ten-dollar bill.’ Now I say, ‘You might know him from the musical.'”
Everything’s A ‘Con’ Now, Thanks To The Internet
“The far-flung corners of fandom used to thrive mostly online, invisible to those didn’t share the same groupie passions. But recently, more fans have been stepping out of the virtual world and into convention centers—the physical manifestation of an obsessiveness bred by the Internet.”
Researchers: Taking Selfies Is Changing The Way We See Art In Museums
It seems many museum-goers “want to quickly ‘consume’ the work without actually engaging (much) in its content,” the researchers write. “That is, they seem to take it in quickly and then move on to the next work. But not before creating a visual record of the fact they were there.”
Brooks: Our Intellectual Life Is Becoming Fragmented, Atomized
“The forces of individualism that are sweeping through so much of society are also leading to the atomization of intellectual life. The odd thing is that it was easier to come to maturity when there were more well-defined philosophical groups.”
Can Movie Theatres Sell Tickets As Social Experience?
“People still like to go to the movies. They like to go out, be around people, engage other people, and cinema still has a very strong pull in that respect.”
‘The Dress’, One Year Later: Scientists Know More About Why People See Different Colors In It – And Now There’s ‘The Jacket’
Some factors evidently make no difference (genetics), while certain factors you’d think were entirely irrelevant do seem to correlate. And researchers have finally found another image for which people’s color perceptions vary wildly; you can take an online test and help with the research.
Amazon Customers In Review War Over The Book Of Mormon (The Real One)
“‘WARNING: May cause drowsiness and occasional eye-rolling. Go watch the musical instead,’ said one reviewer. A five-star fan, however, said that ‘it was translated by the Gift and Power of God, and is the record of a people who are a branch of the tribe of Israel who had Prophets in their day who preached about Christ. Read it and pray about its contents.'”