Martin Kettle: “I have got what I wished for – only now I don’t like it. … The threshold is so low that the boos rarely mean anything. Except, of course, to the person being booed. Performers and players have always lived with fear of failure and the audience. But why make these things worse so cavalierly?”
Category: AUDIENCE
What Theatre Could Learn From Pro Wrestling
“From the elaborate costumes to the pulsating entrance themes to the written dialogue, wrasslin’ has copied many elements of the stage. Even knowing that, though, there are a few things that theatre can learn from pro wrestling.”
Is Our Hyper-Connectedness Killing Our Ability To Be In The Moment?
“Everywhereness” describes how it feels when there is no longer any experience – meeting a friend, looking out of a window, feeling momentarily exasperated or exhilarated – that is particular to that moment, that place, those people. Social media make each moment four-dimensional by “scaffolding it with simultaneity, such that it exists in multiple places at once”.
Paris Museums See Attendance Drop Linked To Terror Attacks
Attendance at the Musée d’Orsay was down 1% in 2015; at the Louvre, down 7%; at the Musée de l’Orangerie, 4%. “A major factor was the cancellation – both after the attacks of Nov. 13 and those of last January – of thousands of class trips from schools in the city and suburbs.”
‘Hamilton’ $10 Ticket Lottery Goes Online, Crashes From High Demand
“‘Service Unavailable. Please try again later.’ That’s what potential ticket buyers saw on the new website set up to handle the Hamilton discount lottery for much of its first day, Jan. 5. The site returned briefly at 4 PM, but went down again after a reported total of 50,000 applicants rushed the site for the 21 available seats in the front row.”
Why The Internet Is Like A Rowdy Raucous Grateful Dead Tour
“The digital counter-tradition of what it means to be a Deadhead has long been in the ascendant through technology-based exegesis and curation of recorded materials. And the more time passes since Jerry Garcia’s death, the more being a Deadhead means streaming shows from the Internet.”
Quantifying The Unquantifiable: Arts In The Time Of Big Data
“To be sure, the current mania over data-driven thinking and its seemingly limitless applications to journalism, education and all aspects of government has huge upsides that are themselves incalculable. But in focusing too heavily on economic multiplier effects and other such pieces of data, we risk standardizing cultural experiences to meet those fantasy numbers in the same way education has been standardized to achieve acceptable test scores.”
If You Like Flops, You Might Be A ‘Harbinger Of Failure’
“In addition to relying on focus groups and instinct to decide which creative endeavors to back, publishing houses, music labels and movie studios might want to gauge how harbingers of failure react to a new project. If it’s a unanimous thumbs-up, the house may well have a loser on its hands.”
Hollywood Had A Banner Year – Except That Underneath The Big Earners, Many Movies Flopped
“A startling number of big-budget movies bombed in 2015, proving that no amount of marketing can pull audiences into theaters at a time when Netflix queues are long and social media spreads word about a stinker in a heartbeat.”
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And that’s because we can’t figure out how to get advertisers to pay for our free news.