Opening Weekend Box Office Is Everything For A Movie (And Yet, A New Strategy Emerges)

“Obviously, the best-charting wide-release averages were Jurassic World and Avengers; if you’re adept at elementary-school math, you probably deduced as much. But where these per-screen numbers get truly interesting are the limited releases. Often, prestige and art-house distributors will launch their titles in fewer than ten theaters, usually in New York and Los Angeles; if they perform well, that can lead to larger rollouts that take advantage of momentum and high tidings.”

Study: There’s A Difference In The “Promiscuity” Of Audiences

“New research drawn from Audience Finder, based mainly on performing arts data, shows that the most highly engaged attenders, those who made six or more bookings per year, account for less than 12% of all bookers in the last three years. This select group is, however, responsible for making more than half (52%) of all the bookings made in the last three years. At the same time, 54% all those who have attended the arts in the last three years have only booked once. At 17.3% these one-time bookers are responsible for making less than a fifth of all bookings made during that time.”

Report: Public’s View Of The Future Of Public Libraries Is Sharply Divided

“The data paint a complex portrait of disruption and aspiration. There are relatively active constituents who hope libraries will maintain valuable legacy functions such as lending printed books. At the same time, there are those who support the idea that libraries should adapt to a world where more and more information lives in digital form, accessible anytime and anywhere.”

Survey: UK Theatre-Goers Reveal What Influences Them To Go (Or Not) To The Theatre

“Almost a quarter of those surveyed said that cast members were the biggest influence on a decision to go to a show, while 17% said the show’s creative team was most important. More than 80% of theatregoers said that costly tickets prevented them from attending the theatre more, while the second biggest barrier, location, was only mentioned by a third of respondents.”