How New Orleans Culture Asserted Itself After Katrina

“When I first got to New Orleans after the flood I was stunned first by just how much had been destroyed, and then later by just how little I knew. I’d been writing about jazz for 20 years. Yet I was profoundly ignorant about what it means to have a living music, one that flows from and embeds everyday life — a functional jazz culture of the sort that once existed in cities throughout the United States but now is exclusive to New Orleans.”

Ten Lessons From The Theatre World On How To Start A Diversity And Inclusion Program Without Screwing It Up

“4. Walk through the entire program through the lens of those you are inviting into your theatre or organization. What would you see? What would you experience? What does it feel like to be as a person of color and walk into your institution? An easy way to feel tokenized is when you are the only one at an institution.”