Study: Reasons People Listen To Music Are Different For Older People Than For Younger Listeners

An exploratory study finds emotion regulation may be “a secondary outcome of music listening. Rather, the “fundamental drivers” of our thirst for music appear to be the intense emotions a given melody produces, the way it facilitates reminiscing, and—as we age—its ability to produce transcendent experiences.

Taking To Kickstarter, A Major Architect Wants To Fund Activist Public Art

The Kickstarter campaign is as much about activism as it is about funding—an increasingly popular tactic in the architecture world. “You could say the whole idea of the project is an exercise in radical transparency. What the project does is make blatantly legible a carbon footprint that is invisible, and only exists in the form of numbers and specifics and news.” The point of the tower is to raise environmental awareness. By asking the public to contribute, the firm is putting it to the people to decide if they want a visual representation of pollution on the skyline. It also detaches the project from any corporate influence.

Are Big Arts Events More About The Audience Than The Art?

“A great deal of event art is more about the event and the audience than it is about the art. The throng – the sight of people congregating – is being used to prove relevance, to demonstrate that cultural institutions are hip and popular. But in chasing the buzz and pursuing the people, the art – a poem, exhibition, orchestral work or a play – can get lost. The danger is once the novelty wears off there is little to show for it. The crowds will vacate.”

Think Accommodating The Arts To Audiences With Disabilities Is Simply About Building Ramps? Here’s A Little Imagination

“In disability circles, we are reminded to always lead with the person first — it’s better to say “a person who uses a wheelchair” vs. “a wheelchair user.” (The only exception is in the deaf community, where many want to be referred to as a “deaf person.”) With artists, I am reminded to always lead with the person and art form, and then add an identifying contextual tag when and where appropriate.”

Audience Engagement? Everyone’s Talking, But What Does It Mean?

“As ongoing technological and demographic changes have altered the relationship between arts organizations and that of artists and the audiences for their work, the value proposition offered during the latter half of the 20th century is in many cases changed and less relevant. Many arts groups therefore struggle with diminishing audiences and instability as the connection between the arts consumer and the arts offerer has frayed.”

Orchestra-On-Demand: Detroit Symphony Launches Video Archive Of All Its Concerts

The Detroit Symphony “is launching what it says is the country’s only on-demand archive of orchestral video performances. Intended as a perk for donors contributing at least $50 to the DSO’s annual fund, the Replay archive will allow listeners to watch performances drawn from the orchestra’s free, weekly high-definition webcasts dating back three years.”

How Instagram Is Influencing The Visual Art Market

In the past few years, it has emerged as the social media platform of choice for many contemporary artists, galleries, auction houses and collectors, who use it to promote art — especially works by emerging artists — and to offer an early peek into studios, auction houses and art fairs. How much that actually translates into sales like the “Lockheed Lounge,” however, is still up for debate.