How ‘Hamilton’ Found Its Groove

“A lot of times in the past when you’ve seen hip-hop used in musical theatre, it has quotes around it. ‘How crazy! We’re making hip-hop musical theatre!’ We don’t comment on it. We just take as a given that it’s the best way to tell Hamilton’s story, but like any other musical score, Hamilton has his own themes that he uses. It’s Peter and the Wolf; it’s what Sondheim does. When you hear this music, you know Burr’s coming onstage; when you hear that music, you know King George is coming onstage.”

Reopening Your Musical Mind By Listening To Whatever The Kids Like

“I rediscovered my love for writing music. The young campers offered up creativity in its purest form. They were interested in making their own music without consideration for genre, marketability, or careerism, but rather with the intent of simply writing the music that they wanted to write. There was little angst associated with their writing process.”

Average Movie Ticket Prices Hit Record In US

“Going to the movies in the U.S. cost an average of $8.61 during the second quarter of 2015, according to exhibition industry trade group the National Association of Theatre Owners. That surpasses the previous high-water mark of $8.38 from the second quarter of 2013. It’s also a 3.4% increase from the year-ago average of $8.33 and a 6% jump from the first quarter average of $8.12.”