The U.S. Might Finally Be Reading For A Museum Of African American History, A Century After It Was Planned

“In 1915, a group of black Civil War veterans began pushing for a memorial and museum dedicated to black service members. A little over a decade later, President Calvin Coolidge approved the construction of a building to serve as a ‘tribute to the Negro’s contributions to the achievements of America,’ according to the Smithsonian Institution. Thanks to the Great Depression, that building never came to fruition.”

When Will U.S. Museum Directors Reflect America’s Demographics?

“The impending influx of new blood at the top offers museums an opportunity to rethink the job and question many of the assumptions that underlie traditional museum operations: the emphasis on splendid buildings, the primacy of curatorial authority and the balance between rich donors, for whom museums are often personal vanity projects, and the public, who see museums as shared common goods.”

One Way To Get People Interested In Your Museum: Create Game Of Thrones Recaps From The Art

“Getty Media producer Sarah Waldorf and manuscripts curator Bryan Keene have been rolling out recaps of Season Five on the museum’s Tumblr, telling each week’s narrative through items and imagery from its collection of medieval art. The result is a brilliantly fun tour of art and a unique analysis of the real historical inspirations for scenes and settings of the show.”

Spoiled For Choice: 15 Different European Opera Houses Start Streaming Productions … For Free

“The operas — from 15 presenters including the Vienna State Opera, the Royal Opera House in London and the Aix-en-Provence Festival — will be streamed live on the website of the Opera Platform, at The site said that subtitles in six languages would be available, and each opera would remain available on demand for six months.”

Producers Turn To Indiegogo To Finance Completion Of Orson Welles’s Last Film

“Add a few more twists to the decades-long quest to release The Other Side of the Wind, the unfinished final film of Orson Welles.” Says Peter Bogdanovich, one of the film’s stars, “I think it would amuse Orson to have the fans able to contribute to the completion of the film. As you know, he didn’t like Hollywood very much.”