“For perhaps the first time since the liberal revolutions of 1848, a political opposition is growing out of Austria’s intellectual salons. Can a man like Herr Haider be toppled by the roar of literary lions? Common sense dictates otherwise, but the vocabulary of Austria’s rebel artists is strikingly similar to that used by white South Africans who opposed apartheid or the dissidents of Eastern Europe.” – The Times (UK)


Britain agrees to go along with EU plan to grant artists resale rights on their work. Under the plan, artists would get a maximum of four per cent on the resale of their work on art worth up to £30,000, and smaller percentages for higher-valued work. British Art Federation chairman Anthony Browne says the damage to London’s galleries would be “colossal”. – London Evening Standard


A Valentine’s ode to art’s inspirations. “Idyllic as it may sound, the relationship between artist and muse is not all sonnets and elegantly reclining nudes. A muse is as likely to be seduced, harangued and assaulted as courted, praised and revered. One moment she is an all-powerful goddess, the next a put-upon working girl.” – The Times (UK)