As Juniper Serra Statue Goes Down, Activists Want The Site To Tell A More Truthful History

For one thing, it’s really time to change the name of “Father Serra Park” in Los Angeles. But taking down the statues to the architect of the mission system, which brutalized thousands of Native adults and children, is a first step. And “organizers of the action (a loose group of unnamed artists and activists) say they see the toppling as a beginning, not an end.” – Los Angeles Times

For What Do We Need Nations?

Over the centuries nationalism has swung back and forth as a progressive and retrograde force, depending on historical conditions. In revolutionary France the “nation” started as a wrecking ball against feudalism and the church. Before the “nation” became defined by its limit of concern, it appeared to the Old Regime as terrifying in its limitlessness. Before the “nation” could be for anyone it had to be against specific someones: kings, priests and their enablers. Nationalism became a forest fire of fraternity that Napoleon wanted to control-burn through Europe in order to make fertile ground for the imposition of his uniform Code. – The Point

Nearly Two-Thirds Of U.S. Arts Groups Surveyed Expect To Resume Performances By End Of 2020 (Brits Aren’t So Optimistic)

“If already not performing, … 50% of U.K. clients are planning a return to the stage in January 2021. Only 25% expect to be performing pantos in December 2020. In contrast, 63% of U.S. clients expect to return to performances in 2020. Dance and multi-disciplinary organizations are the most optimistic; dance’s optimism is likely fueled by the requirement of Nutcracker revenues to bring stability to the balance of the 2020-21 season.” – TRG Arts

COVID Could Cost UK’s Arts And Culture Sector $94 Billion And 400,000 Jobs: Study

“The report predicts that the country’s creative sector will be hit twice as hard as the wider economy in 2020, with one in five creative jobs expected to be lost. The loss could have a devastating effect on the economy at large. Before the coronavirus hit, the UK’s creative sector employed more than 2 million people, generating £111.7 billion for the economy, which is more than the combined input of the automotive, aerospace, life sciences, and oil and gas industries.” – Artnet

Australia’s Largest State Set Aside $50 Million For COVID Arts Relief. None Of It Has Been Given Out

New South Wales was slow to establish a fund to aid struggling arts organizations, not even announcing a plan until May 24, about 10 weeks after shutdowns began. Even as Australia begins the early phases of reopening, none of the money has been awarded, and information even on how to apply or who qualifies is scarce. – The Guardian