The Man Who Translated The Entire Talmud Is Dead At 83

Rabbi Adin Steinsaltz wrote more than 60 books on subjects from philosophy to zoology, including a classic on the Kabbalah. But his major achievement is what he called his “hobby”: a 45-volume translation (which took him 45 years) of the Babylonian Talmud from the original Aramaic into modern Hebrew (from which it’s been trnalsated into English and other languages), with enough commentary and background info that even a beginner can approach it. – The New York Times

Broadway Star Danny Burstein On Struggling With COVID

“The other day, my pal, the brilliant songwriter Tom Kitt, called me. He said he was frustrated by his lack of creativity because of the pandemic and was reaching out to several friends to see if we could write songs together. He said, “Is there something going on in your life at the moment that you just have to express?” And I sat at my computer and wrote the following: “The question we keep asking is how do you have hope when every moment is a struggle? When every second is a reminder.” – The Hollywood Reporter