How I Learned To Quit Struggling And Love Alice Munro (It Was Easy)

Laura Miller: “If you are, like me, a reader resistant to the type of fiction Munro writes, then the praise of Jonathan Franzen or James Wood or Francine Prose is probably not going to change your mind. On the other hand, you might just listen to me, someone who once shared your resistance, when I tell you that, this time around, the Swedish Academy has gotten it right.”

Why The French Want A Law Protecting Bookstores From Amazon

This summer the culture minister “accused Amazon of driving prices down in order to raise them once a monopoly had been secured. The concept is so repellent to national sentiment that an English word has been commandeered to describe it: dumping. … As online sales rise, Amazon has come to be seen in France as le mastodonte américain, the mammoth capitalist interloper rumbling across the Atlantic to trample on the delicacies of culture.”

The Pastor Strays, But Churchgoing Readers Pay – For More Than A Million Books

“As much as [Roby’s] novels traffic in Mr. Black’s sins — living large and cheating on two wives while presenting himself as the symbol of moral authority — they also depict in knowledgeable and even tender ways black Christianity’s deep sense of community and a fabric of meaningful ritual. It is precisely because Mr. Black serves so valuable a tradition that his failings hit with such impact.”